Thursday, January 24, 2008

So Many Sites....So Little Time.

Being in the woodworking business and building a lot of custom furniture, I try to stay abreast of as many things as I can that pertain to my line of work and running my business. The Internet is certainly a great tool for helping with that but at the same time it can overwhelm. I suspect that there is a little ADD in all of us but generally speaking, I'm a pretty organized guy and with so many choices laying in wait at every click of the mouse, I often find myself wandering off in directions not originally intended. "What was it I was doing? What was I looking for again????" When it comes to heading off into the WWW, I find myself recalling the old riddle, "How many kids with ADD does it take to change a light bulb?" ...Answer: "Let's ride bikes!!"

But alas, if we remember that life is about the journey and not the destination, we can all hopefully return to our homepage none the worse for wear despite our seemingly out-of-the-way forays into the left fields of life. I often recall a columnist from some years back by the name of Sydney Harris. You may remember him as he was syndicated and numerous papers ran his pieces weekly. While he wrote on many subjects, he had a recurring "theme" column that he included every few weeks entiltled "Things I learned Enroute to Looking Up Other Things". That pretty much sums up my quest on the Internet more times than not.

For example, while looking for art furniture makers and studio furniture artists, the likes of Todd Fillingham and Jamie Yocono , I run across a link to another artist of a whole different bent, Kevin Connolly. Go to Jeff Gitomer's site to bone up on some business insight and from there you'll end up in one of dozen other places who each in get the idea. Just remember, you started out looking for handcrafted furniture at my website.

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