Sunday, January 06, 2008
Time To Open the Windows.......
.........or a polite way of saying, I'm gonna vent here a bit. Let me begin by wishing everyone a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year! The operative word here would be "prosperous". If you are like many across the land right now, you may be feeling the sting of the last years' many financial crunches and are not entirely certain about what lies ahead in the coming months of 2008. It's an election year which if we ascribe to the many fine tenets upon which this nation was founded, we should be thrilled. But reality says that we more likely will simply become sick of and disgusted with the bickering and the mudslinging and the constant innundation of TV and radio spots long before November arrives. Living here in Michigan has not been "pretty" in recent, make that recent years. While it is one of the nation's unique states with regard to shape, beauty and features, it's also somewhat of a unique state for many less than positive things. We have been plagued with governmental, in-house condescension and bickering to such a high degree that one finds oneself feeling afoul of the law with every slip of the tongue that makes reference to our government "leaders". Quite simply.....They Don't Lead!! Recent statistics show Michigan to be THE only state in the Union showing population decline. Thousands of people are walking away from their homes as they either have no jobs, have been caught in one of the many mortgage or lending fiascos, or simply need to be able live. Prosperous is a word that has taken on new meaning in recent years and unfortunately, it has a somewhat hollow ring to it of late. In many ways, "survival" is the new "prosperous" and that is just sad. I have always felt that while I have never gotten particularly rich from the work I have chosen, I have "felt" rich in being afforded the oppportunity to to do what I wanted and to some degree, being able to pick and choose how I've run my business and the types of jobs I've taken on. I also have come to realize in recent months that I've likely taken many things for granted over the years. The past couple of years has pointed to some grim realities. I have had many commercial relationships with businesses that have dealt in specialty facets related to the kinds of work I perform. And while I may not have made huge amounts of money from any one of these businesses, all tolled it was usually a substansial part of my annual gross. But it was also the the constant source of networking that paid off well in an ongoing way that was something money couldn't buy. But little by little the ripple effects of a poor economy have all but forced out an alarming number of these small, independent businesses not unlike my own. It hurts and it's damned scarey. I have been one of the forntunate few remaining in my area and while I continue to have work, it is a constant struggle to stay afloat. Clients who have jobs with an employer (rather than being the employer) continually fail to recognize that they, in fact, are MY employer when they hire me to perform my services for them. There are days when you want to scream at them when they fail to pick up completed work in a timely manner......." HEY....Don't you GET it???? YOU are my paycheck!!!!!" Would you stand for it if your employer blew you off for three or four days (or two or three weeks) after your payday because they "were going away for the week- end" or "I've been kinda busy." While I still very much love the work that I do, I find it harder and harder to like the "business". Unfortunately, I fear that the times will get worse before they get better. I'm a firm believer in the workings of God and the power of prayer. I pray that you are too. We can all use all the help we can get. Let me know if any of this strikes a cord. I'd hate to be simply labeled as a "crank".